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Find out what you really are...

Not really sure of your faith? Then match up your aspiring characteristics if you dare... see if what you want to become ties in with God's plan for you. If not you should check out our Upper Room...


... Unless of course like pumpkin you are absolutely clueless about your future...
Found you yet?...

Haven't seen yourself? Don't worry... there are some more profiles lower down and to the far right of this page...

Seems familiar? There is more below and to the left...
Keep on looking...

Remember lower down... and to the right...still got some more of you"ll out there...
Is that what you are striving for?
Finished yet?...

That's it... no more profiles beyond this point... have another look in the mirror and before you leave check out The Upper Room...unless of course you are a cool carrot (see right) because your faith doesn't really matter or... an angel (see below) and though very unlikely is perfectly alright with God... the choice is all yours...
Be real with yourself and with God!
